
February 28

Students have been working on a research trip in Social Studies about planning a trip to Peru. Students have researched places to go, foods to eat and souvenirs to buy among other things. Students have a $5000 budget that they had to keep in mind while planning their trip. Our class time for this project has come to an end. This weekend, some students need to complete their research. All of their work is saved on the google account that they can access at home. Please ensure that your child has completed their charts with their information included. They may add photos of the places they are 'visiting' if they wish.

January 23

Some students are bringing home their Social Studies books to finish writing a paragraph about Life on a Farm in Peru based on a video we watched in class. Please return books tomorrow.

* Students MAY be able to access the video to watch again from Learn Alberta (username: LA06 password: 4105) . Once they login, click on RESOURCE SEARCH and search for 'peru life on a farm'. (I am not 100% sure this will work from home)

January 17

Students have social studies research to complete. They are using Learn Alberta to do the research. Username and password are required and listen under the LINKS section of this blog.
Students will then click on 'Online Reference Centre' then can use Culturegrams, PebbleGo, ScholasticGo or National Geographic Kids to find information on Peru's land, people, food and animals. Students are expected to have at least 5 facts in each category.

January 6

Some students have a question (or maybe 2) to finish in their math books. This is a review of content we were working on before the break. This should only take a few minutes to complete. Please ensure your child returns their math book tomorrow.

December 11

If your child brought home their Social Studies book today they have some animal research to complete. They may use any of the following sites from Learn Alberta's Online Reference Centre to complete their research (5 statements/facts in each of the 4 sections): PebbleGo, Power Knowledge: Life and Science, National Geographic Kids.
Please return books tomorrow.

December 3

If students brought home their Social Studies book today they have some research to finish about India. They need to go into LINKS, click Learn Alberta, login (username and password listed in LINKS section), go to online reference centre and then click Culturegrams. From there, click Kid's Edition, then search India.
Students already have their books set up with the following sections: government, money and economy, games and sports and life as a kid. Students will read what is written, and record 5 facts in their own words in each section.
Please return books completed tomorrow.

October 25

We have just started to explore 3 digit addition in Math. Students have been asked to take 30 minutes this weekend to practice using the strategies practiced in class.
Students are making an estimate first to determine a reasonable answer before beginning.
Students then use their place value knowledge to represent the equation using base ten block drawings.
Students then confirm their answer using the traditional stacking method.
Finally, students use addition to check their answer again.

Below is an example.

Questions that students can attempt this weekend are:

417-382=                                        524-289=                                     967-629=

Students are not required to bring this homework back to school. This is for practice at home.

October 21

A few students have the final step of their graphing to finish tonight. They are writing 5 sentences about the data from their graph.

Some students are bringing home math today to finish. They are completing their Bar Graphs. Most students just need a few extra minutes to complete the final steps.


1: Draw graph with ruler and title the graph
2: number the vertical axis (up to 10)
3: Label the vertical axis (# of people)
4: Measure off the horizontal axis (4 choices = 4 cm spaces, 5 choices = 3 cm spaces)
5: Write the choices on the horizontal axis
6: Label the horizontal axis
7: Plot data from your tally chart with a ruler
8: Colour the bars with pencil crayons

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