Week of Jan 20

Language Arts: We have been reading 'The Land of Stories: The Wishing Spell' as a class. Students are making insightful connections and predictions as we read and are excited when we read about another well known character that pops up in the novel.  We are also continuing our work on looking at creating engaging story beginnings.

Technology:  We have started our first mission as part of the Wonder Workshop Robotics Competition.  Over the next few weeks we will attempt four more challenges before finding out of we make it to the invitational stage! 

Math: Today we reviewed collecting data and using a bar graph to display our information. Later this week we are going to begin our study of decreasing patterns.

Social Studies: Last week we learned that young children in Peru learn to knit and weave. We are learning how to knit on a loom. Students are eager to learn this new skill and would like to make their own projects. If you wish to send your child with a skein of yarn, you can. We do have some at the school but it is more challenging to use when beginning. A weight of 6 or chunky works best for beginners. Additionally, if you have yarn at home that isn't being used we would happily accept donations to add to the school's supply.
We are also learning about important cities, landmarks and rivers in Peru. Last week we started to look closely at a map of Peru and are creating our own with a legend to accompany the 'important' parts of Peru. This week we are going to look closer at daily life in Peru.

Other: We have been exploring handwriting since returning from Winter break. Students are learning a new lower case letter each day.

Music: Students interested in joining the Lion King production need to return forms by Tuesday Jan 21. Lunch time practices start this week, every Tuesday and Thursday.

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