Week of December 2nd

Thank you to everyone who came to our special class event Thursday evening. If you would still like to make a donation to WE.org (formerly Free the Children), we will collect donations all this week.

Here is a quick update on what we will be doing this week at school:

Literacy: Students are working on spelling rules ending with 'or' and 'er', we are going to do some descriptive writing using connections

Science: Students will be continuing our 'Hearing and Sound' unit and will be introduced to Scratch to create sound through coding

Social Studies: wrapping up our study of India, learning about the charity WE and will have a special guest speaker in to share about her visits to India

Math: introducing increasing patterns

Christmas Concert Info: Students are still very busy preparing for our Christmas concert. Our show is Wednesday Dec. 11th. The show starts promptly at 5:00. Doors will open at 4:30. Please send students to the classroom while you go to get a seat in the gym. If your child is an Actor or in Choir, they will go to the Music Room. Due to space, we try to limit the evening show to parents only. If grandparents or other family and friends would like, they are welcome to attend the afternoon performance on Wednesday at 1:15. Students are asked to dress in nice clothes (holiday outfits, party clothes, etc.)

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