Teacher Conferences

Sign up for Teacher Conferences starts on Sunday. Please ensure you schedule a time to meet with Mr Neiger and Miss Kowal. We would love to have students join us during the conference time.

Families are required to log in to My CBE/PowerSchool Account https://sis.cbe.ab.ca/public/home.html   beginning Sunday September 15th, starting at 6:00 am to book an interview time with their child's teacher.

When booking, please search for 'KOWAL' as the teacher. 

We are missing some of the paperwork that was sent home last week. Please ensure you have returned and signed the updated demographic sheet and returned the forms stating if we can use student photos. We would love to use more pictures on our Twitter and Blog but cannot due so without parent consent.

- Early dismissal (noon) on Thursday 
- No classes on Friday
- Choir permission forms are being collected

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